egg drop project using only straws, rubberbands, toothpicks,

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egg drop project using only straws, rubberbands, toothpicks,
egg drop project using only straws, rubberbands, toothpicks,
I got a call from my little cousin about one of his school projects. Basically, the have to devise a mechanism for dropping an egg 15 feet, having it land in a
This was built for a physics project - and uses only popsicle sticks, thin wooden dowels, and adhesive materials (superglue and a little tape) - The egg is
Best way to have an egg drop 15 feet and.
There are many different ways to enclose an egg for when you drop it without the risk of it breaking. One way is to get a balloon full of water and put the egg in it.
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When my friends and I had to do this, we created a pyramid using cardboard (only along the edges, with each piece bent about 90 degrees to make it stronger), and
Egg Drop - Physics Project (Wood only!). Matthew's Egg Drop Project - YouTube Eco Family Products - Timeline | Facebook
in this project, we must use only toothpicks and hot glue. we are not allowed to use tapes, stapler, sponge, paper and anything. 10 straws and paper has
Egg Drop - Physics Project (Wood only!).
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Matthew's Egg Drop Project - YouTube